SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It's a measure of a student's academic performance in a specific semester. It's calculated based on the grades obtained in individual courses and the credit hours of those courses.
What is CGPA?
CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.
CGPA is calculated by averaging the SGPA values of all completed semesters. The CGPA multiplied by 9.5% is the percentage.
How do I calculate my SGPA and CGPA
You can go to our home page and choose your branch and semester to fetch the syllabus list, and there you can enter your grades and your SGPA will be calculated effortlessly.
You can also calculate your CGPA by finding the average in our CGPA calculator
How do I save my SGPA and CGPA?
You can simply login or create your account here and add/edit/delete your SGPAs and view your CGPA